Media coverage
Nice to get featured in Hindustan Times Art section… http://epaper.hindustantimes.com/PUBLICATIONS/HT/HD/2012/02/25/index.shtml#

Sir ! Please don’t use phone while riding….
This was shot at Kerala and I have posted a photograph at the same background welcoming people (which probably is the original …

Big vs small…
He’s still looking for the catch of the day in midst of his friend’s bigger Chinese fishing nets in the background. This …

Well, so much can be said about friendship but we all know those are the best moments of our life. This was …

Theyyam- The Grand Make Up-I…
Theyyam- The preparation starts for a grand make-up. The artist starts with an initial make-up of his face while the gurus and …

Theyyam is a ritual of worshipping God in Northern part of Kerala, primarily Kannur and Kasargod districts. The performers here are from …